How to set-up your Beaba Milkeo Machine

How to set-up your Beaba Milkeo Machine

To get started please remember to use filtered or cooled boiled water in your Milkeo reservoir

The instructions that come with Milkeo are based on international standard of 30ml/scoop. We recommend you check your formula tin for scoop weight as not all formulas in Australia are based on a 30ml per scoop ratio.

1. If your formula tin recommends 1 scoop should be mixed with 30ml of water, follow your Milkeo Instruction Manual for machine setting

2. If your formula tin recommends 1 scoop should be mixed with a different volume of water, set the machine according to the formula instruction: for example if 1 scoop formula should be mixed with 50ml of water: measure or read the weight of 2 scoops, setup the machine to 100ml and the weight of 2 scoops. (minimum setting for water is 60ml)

3. If another ratio is mentioned, follow the formula recommendation. For example: 140ml – 3 scoops, measure or read the weight of 3 scoops, setup the machine to 140ml / the weight you measured.

Important : after the setting is done the formula weight will adjust automatically to follow this ratio when you adjust the volume of water. You only need to modify this ratio if you want to increase / decrease the milk concentration or if you change formula.

Watch the video demo below:

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