As restrictions are being relaxed around the country, more and more kids are returning to school and face to face teaching. This is exciting for their social developments (and mama's sanity) but also brings some concerns. A big worry for most is are kids washing their hands for the recommended length of time and often enough, as we know this is the most effective way of protecting themselves but they are kids and we aren't there to constantly remind them. Thankfully Made4Baby have developed the ultimate convenient solution with their spray Hand Sanitiser, easy to pop into their school & lunch bag and tested as effective against Covid19 Coronavirus.

Made4Baby Hand Sanitiser creates a barrier that helps fight off germs for longer
* Tested & Approved 1 hour efficacy against Covid 19*
* Kills 99.99% of common germs
* Alcohol Free
* Antibacterial
* Fragrance Free
* Suitable for sensitive skin
* Easy to use spray formula
* Made in New Zealand
* Kills 99.99% of common germs
* Alcohol Free
* Antibacterial
* Fragrance Free
* Suitable for sensitive skin
* Easy to use spray formula
* Made in New Zealand
Alcohol is an alternative sanitising solution & alcohol does kill instantly but also evaporates instantly. Made4Baby's active ingredient works as a longer lasting antibacterial agent protecting hands and surfaces for a longer period of time.
*Made4Baby Hand Sanitiser has been tested by Eurofin Australia using the Murine Hepatitis virus. This is one of only 2 tests approved by the Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) Australia for claims of efficacy against COVID-19. It is currently too dangerous to test against the Covid 19 virus itself.

Another back to school product I love and use are the Penny Scallan Backpacks and Bento Coolers. All Penny Scallan products have a scratch resistant coating so they are super easy to wipe down, clean & disinfect! They even have mini backpacks with a safety rein so you can tame those toddlers that like to run and touch things they shouldn't!

For the school run with babies, you cannot go past a baby carrier. We have a huge selection of baby carriers from Ergobaby, Baby Tula and Hippychick there will be one to suit your lifestyle. Babywearing is a wonderful way to bond with baby, keep them safe and protect them when out and about - it's also a pretty great way to get some strength training in with some toddler carriers able to carry up to 20kgs!
A big high five to all the parents homeschooling or returning to work, remember your are the only judge of what is best for your family - we are all in this together!